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I've led in healthcare for 40 years and can confirm: Americans are getting ripped off.

Universal coverage is my life’s mission, and if elected to Congress, I won’t rest until it’s accomplished.

It's time get a doctor in the House.

As a family doctor who has cared for underprivileged patients, I understand the struggles many Americans face when accessing healthcare.

I have seen firsthand how our current healthcare system leaves too many people behind and creates unnecessary barriers to accessing care. I am committed to changing this.

I’ve cared for people at my house, and made house calls because of their inability to afford or access care. I’ve spent hours on the phone with insurance companies and worked tirelessly with my colleagues to ensure patients receive the necessary treatment they need and deserve.

While I could help many, there were many I couldn’t reach. Too many lack access and the ability to pay. Too many Americans are sick, and we can and must do better.

Universal healthcare could benefit them and countless others even more. As a member of Congress, I will fight for policies that expand access to healthcare, lower costs, and improve the quality of care for all Americans.

It is unacceptable for a child to receive a medical bill of $700 for a 5-minute urgent care visit and X-ray. A physical exam doesn't have to cost $450, and a pneumonia hospitalization with a price tag of $20,000 is despicable and wrong.

Unaffordable preventative healthcare causes Americans to forgo it completely, leading to poorer health outcomes and increased financial strain in the long run. No one should have to choose between their immediate financial needs and their medical well-being.

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