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Letter to the District, "Endorsing Bob Lorinser" - Sam Williamson

I strongly endorse Bob Lorinser to be elected to Congress from the fist district of the State of Michigan.

I have been involved in politics throughout my life, every other year voting for the Democratic candidate for the House of Representatives. I met them all and often working on their campaigns. None of them has compared to Bob. He is the best candidate for this office that I have ever met.

As an economist that has specialized in issue of pensions, Social Security and how tax policy influences the level of employment, I have been involved in advising members of Congress by testify to the Joint Economic Committee and answering questions from various legislators.

When talking members of Congress I have found for the most part they listen for a while and then they are thinking if they like the outcome of the suggestion. Understanding the details takes too much effort and honestly, most do not have the capacity to do it. They trust their staff to do the thinking.

Bob is different. He is smart and listens to a presentation and push to understand it, and he does this on all issues. He is a unique politician. He has spent the last two years campaigning across the district and explaining his positions to voters. He has thought them through, is clear about what they are, and articulates them well. And they are his, not some consultant. If you look at his website, he has over 1,200 words on education. His two opponents have 160 and 76. On the environment, he has 564 words that include discussion of six acts that he supports and four agencies he would work with to accomplish this. His two opponents have 79 and 125 words.

I met Bob two years ago during his first campaign. For the past two years I have been discussing economic issues with him regularly and we have become friends. He would ask my opinion on a specific issue, and we might “debate” it for days. I would send him things to read, and he would reply in a day with well thought out questions. He is open to revise his positions. For example, he now agrees that a correctly formulated carbon tax is one of the best ways to fight climate change.

I have learned much from him about health care issues. His understanding of how we could improve medical care for the average person is deep and from his years of experience of seeing how it can be improved.

We both agree in the inherent worth and dignity of every person. I so admire his belief that the only way democracy will survive is if good people run for office everywhere.

Sam Williamson


Sam Williamson is a retired professor of economics having taught at three of the top 50 ranked universities of the world. In his area of economic history he was the co-founder of the Cliometric Society, and creator of EH.Net and He ran all three for many years.

In 2004, he was one of the pension economists leading the debate against the (stupid idea of) privatizing Social Security.

Sam has been a voting resident of Michigan's First District for 20 years.


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