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My vision for Northern Michigan & the UP - Bob Lorinser for Congress

The most pressing issue in our First Congressional District is the economic hardship that too many of our families are struggling with every day.

We can no longer stand by as housing becomes unaffordable, childcare deserts leave parents with no options, and the cost of healthcare pushes families to the brink. We can't accept childhood poverty as the norm, nor can we tolerate wages that make the American Dream feel like a distant fantasy for so many of our neighbors.

But let's not just dwell on what's wrong—let's imagine what could be right.

Imagine a district where our roads are smooth and our internet is fast, where affordable childcare isn't a luxury but a given.

Picture schools where every child receives a top-notch education and vocational training, available for those who want to build and create with their hands.

Envision a place where jobs don't just exist but pay enough for families to thrive, where homes are within reach for everyone, and where healthcare is a fundamental right, not a burden.

No candidate can promise things will magically improve with their election, but this is the future I see for our district, and it's not some far-off dream. I'll work tirelessly to build coalitions in the House to get things done; this is a reality we can create together.

We can turn our district into a powerhouse of opportunity, where small businesses are the beating heart of our economy, creating jobs that pay family-sustaining wages.

We can lead the way in protecting our environment and tackling climate change head-on while becoming energy-independent.

It's time to refuse to accept our district's counties being at the top of the list for unemployment and childhood poverty. We cannot settle for wages that leave people struggling to make ends meet. We must demand better, and here's the best part—we can achieve this without raising taxes.

Here's how we can do it:

  • Let's start by collecting $85 billion in unpaid taxes from the super-rich. It's time they pay their fair share.

  • We'll cap defense profits at 15%, saving $100 billion. Our nation's security shouldn't be a profit-driven industry.

  • We'll adopt a single-payer healthcare system like Medicare for All, saving a staggering $500 billion. That's money we can put to much better use.

And with these savings, we can invest in our future:

  • We'll add dental, vision, and hearing benefits for everyone—because good health shouldn't stop at your teeth, eyes, or ears: $40 billion.

  • We'll provide universal Pre-K for 3- and 4-year-olds, giving every child a strong start: $35 billion.

  • We'll offer two years of postsecondary training or education, opening doors for young people and adults alike: $70 billion.

  • We'll subsidize childcare, making it affordable for every family: $69 billion.

  • We'll reduce prescription drug costs, ending the days of choosing between medicine and food: $31 billion.

  • We'll provide paid family and medical leave, so no one has to choose between a paycheck and caring for a loved one: $71 billion.

  • We'll enhance border security in an effective and humane way: $20 billion.

  • We'll provide federal housing support, ensuring everyone has a place to call home: $54 billion.

  • And we'll reduce the federal debt, securing our financial future: $295 billion.

Imagine what this could mean for our families — more money in their pockets, better services, and a brighter future for our children. We can make these smart investments without raising taxes. We're offering real, concrete solutions, not rhetoric, not platitudes.

I'm ready to fight for what our district needs — affordable housing, childcare, education, and healthcare for all, especially reproductive rights. Family sustainable wages, thriving small businesses and local farms, and an economic system that works for everyone, not just the select few.

With this vision, my hope is to unite - to bring us together, because our fight is not with each other; it's for a cause.

I'm eager to bring my expertise and experience to the table to make it happen. I've lived in Northern Michigan and the UP for nearly 40 years, and embedded in me is the grit, tenacity, and perseverance to get it done.

Let's work together to turn this vision into reality. The future we deserve is within our grasp, and I won't stop until we get there.


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